Sunday, November 29, 2020

A narrow creek flows through a hilly autumn woods. The forest floor covered with fallen leaves, and trees stand bare.

 Hello folks, 

How are you? Are you digging deep into your stores of patience, perservereance, and peacefulness? I find inspiration in the words and acts of others in my life, like a well-crafted email from a yoga instructor, or the quick text with photo from a family member. 

I sit at my computer on this late November day, cheered by the sun shining through the clouds. 

Yes, this is a more solitary season than most folks generally experience. Yet there are bright spots too. 

Some days I feel lonely, or down, or anxious. How will my sense of connection withstand this extended isolation? How will I feel comfortable in public situations after this time of tension? 

And, I have learned, again, that the days when I do yoga and go for a walk outside I always feel better than on the days I don't. 

Find your solace stimulation. Do the things that support your smile. 

Be well, darlings.... 

You are wonderful. 

Snow covered forest

Thursday, July 16, 2020

I stand in solidarity with BIPOC

Systemic racism in America is prevalent. Evidence makes this obvious. Resources explain the variables and impacts, so seek those out if you are still unable to see the many forms systemic racism takes, the many facets of oppression built into our education, justice, housing, governmental, and many social systems.
I am a white. middle-aged, middle-class woman working to be an ally. I am learning. I am facing hard truths. I am trying to reside in the hope that we can build a culture and country founded on mutual respect that embraces and values diversity. Meanwhile, the anise hyssop is in bloom, and the plants can support our growth.

Saturday, April 18, 2020

autoimmune flare-up feels like a tangle in the inner woods of self

I am studying a class about the immune function and herbalism via the Commonwealth School of Holistic Herbalism as part of my ongoing work as an herbalist. I am also in the middle of both an ailment (poison ivy catalyzed rash and accompanying topical infection) and an autoimmune flare-up. Oh, and we are facing the global stress-inducing situation of social isolation and pandemic spread of COVID-19. Add all the stressors to system up and you realize, wow, at any time we, in this case, I am managing many factors. 

I am reminded that I know what I need to do to help support wellness, and yet I do not always make that choice. Ay-yi-yi! For example, I know gluten is a trigger to my autoimmune symptoms, especially itchy skin. Yet, in my compromised state, I find it challenging to stand and cook wholesome meals, in the social climate I am only grocery shopping every couple / few weeks. Given the infrequent shopping trips I run-out of the  good-for-me (don't trigger flare-up food) long before the next scheduled shopping trip. The result? I snack on wheat crackers and corn chips, which are in the house because they are preferred snacks for my husband. 
Did I mention I have a severe case of poison ivy reactionary rash? Itchy skin exacerbation is not desirable right now.
And then I feel even more poorly, then I choose unhelpful foods more easily, and then I feel even more poorly... and the spiral cycles. 
I remind myself here, now, with this post -
1. remove trigger foods from diet (sugar, corn, wheat, dairy, soy, legumes, eggs, nuts)
2. nourish with nutrient dense foods (greens, organic meat, veggies, fruit, fish)
3. support gut flora balance with fermented foods and pro-biotics
4. get adequate quality sleep
5. drink sufficient water amounts
6. move around throughout the day 
7. avoid excessive exercise that triggers crash of system
8. mange stress with meditation, story, and creative expression
9. drink plenty of herbal tea to support immune balance, nervous system function, digestive function, and ease of ailment aggravations
10. get sunshine
11. connect with nature every day!!
12. connect with people regularly 

Sunday, February 9, 2020

Audio book dreams

Last night my aspirations and focus played center stage in a dream. In the dream, a recording expert visited my in-home studio space and gave me feedback to improve the layout to maximize sound capture without undue background noise. He also listened to some rehearsal clips already recorded, which is what prompted him to look at the recording space.
My mind is focused on this project. I am improving my skills with the editing programs, familiarizing myself with terms related to recording and editing, and practicing my performance. I have a timeline. I want to have the first audiobook completed by August 1, 2020. That feels ambitious, yet attainable, especially with the kind support of folks like you. I am buoyed along by the guidance I have received so far from local recording professionals, and by the contributions of folks excited about the project.
Want to be a part of the process? Have access to a free copy of either "Travels of the Heart", "Wren & Ignacio", or "Tea of Tranquility" as soon as it is finished? Then contribute to the project here: BeWell Bohemia Audio Book Project
I am honored by all the support and interest. I will keep you apprised of developments.

Wednesday, February 5, 2020

A big sort

I am a fan of a project - a task on which to focus with clear steps, and preferably with some sorting or categorization.
Inspired by a couple recent events (couldn't find a recipe for a spicy chicken soup I wanted to make from scratch when my brother, who was fighting off a respiratory infection, visited and a 'do you have a recipe recommendation' request from my niece) I decided to finally organize my collection of recipes ripped out from various magazines and stacked, tucked, or gathered in a binder.

What are the projects you undertake in your life that bring satisfaction? Provide meaning? Connect you with your interests and passions?
It all matters. Do what you love - in big and small ways.

I will enjoy the process, the categorizing is very satisfying. The removal of clutter and getting a task that I have long intended to do done reduce stress levels. Seeing the recipes will inspire me and help me to make a meal plan, which in turn will support my making and eating wholesome, nutrient-dense, flavorful meals. I could go on and on in a 'the-house-that-jack-built' way...

Thursday, January 30, 2020

Family Love is a place visited in "Travels of the Heart"

The countdown continues to the release of "Travels of the Heart", a collection of short stories and poems celebrating love in its many forms.

Each story reflects a creative exploration of love, and draws the reader into a moment, a relationship, an image, or a myth.

Young Betty Lou, circa 1944
Some are inspired by the love of family. One such is "Betty of Mustard Hollow", which is a story about a young girl growing up in rural Pennsylvania in the 1940's. We meet Betty, learn of her spirit, and how she is much beloved by her family. We also get a look into southwestern Pennsylvania, the landscape and the culture.

In fact, Betty is a rendition of my mom spun from tales she told of her youth. I am still developing the work, so the version included in "Travels of the Heart" 2020 release is a snapshot of the work in progress. My intention is to continue the story and expand the context and characters into a full novel. Until then, enjoy the snippet.
Adult Betty Lou, circa 2016

You can order your copy of "Travels of the Heart" today (available in print and ebook format) and follow the story of a young girl growing up in rural Pennsylvania, along with all the other stories and poems included in the collection.

Love spins many tales. Enjoy a journey through a series of narratives, poems, and stories delving into love in its varied forms You will witness sharing of tender moments, explore unexpected relationships, experience the comfort of happy endings, recall the sweetness of first love, watch the awakening of self for mythic Medusa, follow the life of a young girl growing up in rural Pennsylvania in the 1940's, consider the sensuality of music, and thrill as two soul-mates meet.

 To discover other books available by Brooke Criswell check-out the following links:

Print books available here

Ebooks available here

Or to explore Brooke's full website for BeWell Bohemia Herbs and Things

Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Travels of the Heart Enticing Excerpt to Enjoy

blooming mallow plant, open pink bloom with deep pink veins and bud tipped stemsI share here, with you dear friend and reader, an excerpt from my soon to release (02-02-2020) collection of short stories and poems celebrating love, "Travels of the Heart".

Feel free to share this post and help spread the love, and the word (wink).

  • Excerpt begins with the introduction -


“If music be the fruit of love, play on,” begins Shakespeare's Twelfth Night, expressing that ever-present longing for love in our lives. The following stories are about discovering love, be it love of other, love of self, friend, family, or lover. Love is a journey, never-ending, and here some some 'Travels of the Heart' for you to enjoy.
I created this compilation of stories, poems, and biographic sketches to explore themes of love, in its many and varied forms.
I am intrigued by the role personal relationships have on the lives and well-being of us all. We each encounter love in a myriad of forms throughout our lives. Some love comes softly and is ever present, other love catches us unawares and in its revelation changes who we are.  Still others frustrate or confound us in the angst and excitement of emotion.
The collection includes excerpts from other of my work, new material, and works in progress. I hope you find a piece that resonates, inspires, entertains, or touches you."

  • Next I offer an excerpt from the story "Nate Meets Evelyn" -

    Nate attended the same church each Sunday, yet he never saw the graceful, strong, lovely woman before.  As folks mingled in the sanctuary after the service, sharing weekly updates, Nate scanned the congregation noting what a friendly community they formed. People of all ages gathering weekly to hear the word of god delivered by a passionate preacher, to sing the gospel, and to share the spirit.
He stood next to his long-time friend, Anton, and smiled at the elder couple with whom Anton chatted. The couple were proudly commenting on a young grand-daughter’s recent scholarly accomplishments. Anton and Nate provided an interested and respectful ear.
As he looked past the couple and across the church aisle, towards the vestry, Nate noticed a stunning woman with an infant. The woman wore a cornflower blue sweater hugging her form and highlighting her complexion. He admired the hue of her skin that called to mind the warm, rich browns of pine cones in the sun.  He watched as she swaddled the infant in a flannel blanket, smiling and cooing at the child, her lips moving in intimate conversation with what appeared to be her much-loved son.
Before Nate exited his pew and made his way to the vestry, the woman was gone.

In the next few weeks, Nate met occasionally with Jada, his … how did he classify Jada? He and Jada dated during college. Then, due to the drift of life and the coming to know oneself as an adult, separated.  They dated again, after graduation in that ‘comfortable with each other’ way of former attachments.  Yet they were not a couple, not really; they were more pals who could rely on each other for a partner to an event, or a shared meal and a movie on a lonely Saturday.
Jada commented to Nate on one chummy outing, “I know just the women for you! She recently moved here, and I think you would get along wonderfully. She is smart and caring, and I know you would two would hit it off....” 

  • And now, since tomorrow is my (strong, intelligent, creative, beautiful) niece's 16th birthday, I share an excerpt from my short story, "Sweet 16 Never Been Kissed"

“Sweet 16 never be kissed” was true enough to start with. But by seventeen... no longer true. The first kiss was sweet enough, preceded by a very polite, “May I kiss you?”
    Beth, and Eric stood on the road by the back porch, waiting for her dad to back the van out of the garage to drive Eric home. He had no license, and she only had a cinderella license, so they stood and waited. Eric was handsome and smart.  Zoe was intelligent and timid.  They saw each other mostly at school.  Zoe occasionally visits Eric's house, or he visits hers on weekend nights.  Weeks and weeks of blushes, chats in G.A.T.E. (Gifted and Talented Education - talk about an ego builder.  They actually met in G.A.T.E., where else would a junior and a sophomore be in class together? Nowhere.)
Eric opened Zoe to musical variety by playing Simon and Garfunkel, the Cure, and the Cranberries. First love, so all encompassing. They would talk for 6 or 8 hours on the phone. Finch, years later, when making the mental count of past loves, did not fathom how they found so much to talk about.  But in the throes of adolescent love, they talked books, religion, music, movies, people... theirs was a heady dialog.  All the milestones of high school romance – flirtation in the hallway, cuddled close together in the stands of a home football game on Saturday afternoon, listening to records, often actually on vinyl, though many a mixed tape too, in his room with the door open, going on family outings...."

Get your very own print copy to follow the story further and find out what other travels the heart makes. Order now and get the benefit of the celebratory offer of 10% off through Valentines Day, February 14, 2020.

EBook edition also available! Pre-order today

Blooming mallow, pink petals with deep pink veins

Kombucha, Yoga, Chia, oh my.

My reading nook is adjacent to my continuous-brew kombucha crock. I started the brew 14 days ago, and now I taste test it every day. Since this is my first kombucha brew, I am learning about the process each step of the way. I am thrilled to report the brew is maturing nicely, the kombucha developing tang and depth of flavor. I like my kombucha tart and strong, so I am awaiting a but more development before bottling and adding fresh sweet tea to the brew. Also, since it is the first batch, allowing the scoby to grow without disturbance ensures a better long-term kombucha system. I am humbled by the success so far, and grateful to have the time, space, and supplies to establish a system. I am also amazed by the interplay between organisms of the symbiotic culture of bacteria and yeast (scoby) that makes a substance that sustains me. I read a novel and drank my morning pot of jasmine green tea next to this ceramic crock housing such a marvelous symbiotic system. 

Feeling stiff and sluggish, I turned to my yoga mat for flexibility and the deepening of breath. I ritualistically set up my space for practice, which means I ran the dust-mop over the floor to remove dust and debris, noticing the lovely hue of the oak hardwood floor. I accepted the beauty and the honor of living in such a space, and breathed in gratitude. Next I rolled out my green leaf-print mat and de layered so my cowl-necked sweater would not impede breathing or movement. I opened the computer browser and found a Yoga with Adrienne video to guide my practice.

As I settled into the initial pose, I paid attention to my body, how I felt, where tightness and soreness emerged, and how I moved. I realized the initial video I chose did not resonate with my ability for the day. Rather than give up or feel disappointed in myself, I searched the Yoga with Adrienne youtube channel in search of a shorter routine, or a routine with a focus and intention that I would be able to follow. *well done Brooke, way to acknowledge your needs and make a choice to support your wellness* (I make this statement transparent to you, reader, to acknowledge that sometimes I struggle with making choices to support or promote my wellness, and that learning to reframe is a valuable skill, as is recognizing and acknowledging each choice that supports wellness, lest discouragement out balance intention).
The yoga practice was a challenge today; my muscles stiff, my joints sore, and my entire body experiencing inflammation. The movement will help, the blood circulation and lymph flow will improve not only my state of mind, but also my physical well-being. Feeling awakened by the 5 minute video, and knowing I had more stamina for practice, I found another Yoga with Adrienne video and extended the session. *well done, Brooke, way to dig deep and extend*

I linked to a Downshiftology video sharing chia-pudding recipes, viewing the short video as I re-layered into sweater and socks and put away my yoga mat. The recipe was so simple, and I had ingredients on hand, so I opted to make a batch of chia pudding, saving one serving for morning snack and freezing the remaining portions for easy snacking in the coming weeks. Having delicious, healthy snacks prepared and on hand enables me to make food choices that support my body and lessen the frequency and intensity of my Hashimoto autoimmune hypothyroid condition. *well done, Brooke, way to be inspired and act on inspiration to prepare quality food*
As the photo shows, I gathered all my ingredients an the followed along with the video to make the freezer ready chia pudding. I used freezer-proof glass ball jars. The blue painter's tape is for clearly labeling the jars before placing them in the freezer, this way I will know not only what is inside the jar, but also when it 'expires'.  I added some store bought frozen fruit (blueberries, strawberries), and some frozen fruit I prepped and stored myself (pears, bananas.) I will cut up a fresh apple to add to serving I will eat this morning. Yum. 

Now I sit down to write (this blog post, and develop existing writing projects) and to work on tasks related to the upcoming book release of "Travels of the Heart: A Collection of Short Stories and Poems Celebrating Love in its Varied Forms". *well done, Brooke, way to create space and time for meaningful work that forwards your professional goals*. I will be sure to intersperse time at the computer with movement and delicious herbal tea or water to stay hydrated.

What do you do to start your day well and strong? How to you infuse gratitude into your actions? When do you celebrate yourself?
BeWell, dear friend, you deserve to.

Friday, January 24, 2020

Imagine Gardens

Now is the time of year where imaginings about next summer's garden take hold in the minds eye. Seed catalogs arrive in inboxes and mailboxes. Enticing descriptions, beautiful drawings, vivid pictures offer endless possibilities.
I want to grow everything, 5 different varieties of summer squash, an array of beans, lettuces, cucumbers, a bounty of colorful and vibrant flowers, a host of delightful herbs...
Yet, I did not get my greenhouse built this year, so starter space is limited. Also, my fellow and I are talking of moving mid-growing season, so what does that mean for my garden?
There are always a myriad of limiting factors and challenges to planning and growing a garden. Being honest with yourself while garden planning, and open to the possibilities available.

Since I know my starter space is limited, I am taking time to plan. I want to grow starts for market that folks have interest in, and minimize the excess of starts of plants folks might not need this spring. I will seed enough for myself, and calculated quantities for share in sale.
Since I might move mid growing season, I will concentrate on early growers, like peas, summer squash, and lettuces. I will avoid crops that I may never see mature, like kohlrabi or brussel sprout. I will step up my portable container gardens for carrots, spinach, and other crops. I will plant perennial herbs that they may thrive on their own.
Meanwhile, I will still enjoy the bliss of dream gardening as I peruse the catalogs.

Are you planning and dreaming your garden? Or maybe you live in a clime where planting happens now, before the intense heat of summer.
What ever your situation, enjoy the process. Open to possibility. Revel in growth. We are plant lovers, after all.

Check out the seeds available through BeWell Bohemia Herbs and Things. I send anywhere in the continental U.S. Let me know what you plan (or imagine) to grow.
picture of Purple blooming morning glory, and budded anise hyssop.

Sunday, January 19, 2020

Travels of the Heart soon to release

In time for Valentines Day, 2020, a work of love. Read this collection of stories and poems that celebrate love.
Enjoy a journey through a series of narratives, poems, and stories delving into love in its varied forms You will witness sharing of tender moments, explore unexpected relationships, experience the comfort of happy endings, recall the sweetness of first love, watch the awakening of self for mythic Medusa, follow the life of a young girl growing up in rural Pennsylvania in the 1940's, consider the sensuality of music, and thrill as two soul-mates meet.
Travels of the Heart is available in print and ebook formats.

"What the world needs now, is love, sweet love" Jackie DeShannon song lyrics, and a profound truth. In honor of love, in celebration of love, in invitation for love, I compiled a collection of my poems and short stories into an anthology, "Travels of the Heart", which will release for sale on February 2, 2020 (aka 02022020) Watch for details on where and how to get your copy.

Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Kombrucha brew is underway, my friend

The sweet tea base is steeped and cooling, the crock is cleaned and placed in a warm nook, the SCOBY pair are aquired, and things are about to Kombucha brewing here. I am a tingle with anticipation. To think that the symbiotic culture of bacteria and yeast are living organisms that create such a healthful and tasty beverage treat.
#yearofvision, #beyondlimits, #bewellbohemia, #herbalismisawayoflife, #funwithfermentation, #kombucha

Wednesday, January 8, 2020

A note on wellness and inspiration

I want to share an excellent yoga resource, for those of you who are curious about yoga, but not sure where to begin, or unable to pay for class or instruction, this is a great resource. For those of you resolving to improve your health with increased activity, movement, flexibility, or strength, this is an excellent resource. For those of you who enjoy yoga and like exploring styles or 'meeting' other folks who enjoy yoga, this is a fabulous resource. I am not affiliate, I am just sharing a resource that I enjoy, that bring joy, inspiration, and empowerment to my world.

Yoga with Adrienne.
Her style is friendly and welcoming. She is fun, and provides clear explanation of poses. I have enjoyed each session / video. Some are more challenging than others, so explore to find the videos that allow you to be where you are, without being too advanced.

I recently purchased a book that activates my interest in yoga and anatomy and physiology. Anatomy of Fitness, Yoga: the Trainer's Inside Guide to Your Workout by Goldie Karpel Oren. This book shows both how to do the pose, and provides a drawing indicating the muscles activated by the pose. I love learning about how the body works, so having a look at what the pose activates gives me a clearer idea than the names of the muscles alone can provide.

I find the journey to wellness in many-faceted, and I am building my body, mind, and spirit with intention every day.

Be Well,
you deserve it.

 Making a supply of the "Maple Medicinal Mushroom Concoction" I learned how to prepare during my study in the " Herbal Immers...