Wednesday, February 5, 2020

A big sort

I am a fan of a project - a task on which to focus with clear steps, and preferably with some sorting or categorization.
Inspired by a couple recent events (couldn't find a recipe for a spicy chicken soup I wanted to make from scratch when my brother, who was fighting off a respiratory infection, visited and a 'do you have a recipe recommendation' request from my niece) I decided to finally organize my collection of recipes ripped out from various magazines and stacked, tucked, or gathered in a binder.

What are the projects you undertake in your life that bring satisfaction? Provide meaning? Connect you with your interests and passions?
It all matters. Do what you love - in big and small ways.

I will enjoy the process, the categorizing is very satisfying. The removal of clutter and getting a task that I have long intended to do done reduce stress levels. Seeing the recipes will inspire me and help me to make a meal plan, which in turn will support my making and eating wholesome, nutrient-dense, flavorful meals. I could go on and on in a 'the-house-that-jack-built' way...

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