Friday, January 24, 2020

Imagine Gardens

Now is the time of year where imaginings about next summer's garden take hold in the minds eye. Seed catalogs arrive in inboxes and mailboxes. Enticing descriptions, beautiful drawings, vivid pictures offer endless possibilities.
I want to grow everything, 5 different varieties of summer squash, an array of beans, lettuces, cucumbers, a bounty of colorful and vibrant flowers, a host of delightful herbs...
Yet, I did not get my greenhouse built this year, so starter space is limited. Also, my fellow and I are talking of moving mid-growing season, so what does that mean for my garden?
There are always a myriad of limiting factors and challenges to planning and growing a garden. Being honest with yourself while garden planning, and open to the possibilities available.

Since I know my starter space is limited, I am taking time to plan. I want to grow starts for market that folks have interest in, and minimize the excess of starts of plants folks might not need this spring. I will seed enough for myself, and calculated quantities for share in sale.
Since I might move mid growing season, I will concentrate on early growers, like peas, summer squash, and lettuces. I will avoid crops that I may never see mature, like kohlrabi or brussel sprout. I will step up my portable container gardens for carrots, spinach, and other crops. I will plant perennial herbs that they may thrive on their own.
Meanwhile, I will still enjoy the bliss of dream gardening as I peruse the catalogs.

Are you planning and dreaming your garden? Or maybe you live in a clime where planting happens now, before the intense heat of summer.
What ever your situation, enjoy the process. Open to possibility. Revel in growth. We are plant lovers, after all.

Check out the seeds available through BeWell Bohemia Herbs and Things. I send anywhere in the continental U.S. Let me know what you plan (or imagine) to grow.
picture of Purple blooming morning glory, and budded anise hyssop.

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