Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Coffee and community

Yesterday I listened to "Katja's Decaf Herbal Coffee Replacement", a recent episode of Commonwealth Center for Holistic Herbalism podcast. When I listen to their weekly podcast I feel as if I am engaged in an interactive conversation. The content interests me, I learn new information, ideas, and resources, and I laugh along with the hosts as a response to their friendly and inclusive style.
The Herbal Coffee Replacement episode stimulated my curiosity about coffee processing. I tend to not drink coffee, unless I am using the caffeine as a method of soothing and managing migraine pain. I miss the robust flavor and subtle bite of strong, well-made coffee. So, when Ryn introduced Swiss Water processing to create decaf coffee, my ears perked. I did some follow-up research this morning to learn more.
I visited the Swiss Water Coffee website. I was impressed with the apparent attention to detail and care about the coffee from farm to cup, and all the steps in between.
Consumption of goods involves much critical thinking and care choosing. Or, at least, I think it should. I try to consider the origin of any item, and its related packaging. I think about how the item was created or prepared, how it travelled, who was involved in each step of the journey, and how the people involved were treated. I cannot always know the details, sometimes from lack of transparency, sometimes from lack of research on my part. Nonetheless, I strive to make informed choices, and for my choices to reflect my values and honor the beings involved.
Back to coffee, I buy organic, fair-trade, shade grown coffee. The farming practices, the philosophy behind those practices and the consideration of fairness in respect to the grower are important to me. Additionally, the protection of habitats matters to me. What I see of their company aligns with my preferences.
I Amy purchase some Swiss Water process decaf coffee, and see what I think.
I also will use it to make an herbal coffee blend, featuring some medicinal mushrooms and adaptogenic plant roots.

Friday, July 26, 2019

Resilience is like....

A bank of tulsi in bloom and going to seed. 

Feeling resilient and persistent this morning. 
Calendula bloom
I awoke early and feeling wonky and unwell. Despite the physical discomfort and emotional weight of dreams of loss and fear, I chose positive attitude anyway.  The choice an accomplishment, for I so easily succumb to pain, allowing the physical sensitivity to subjugate emotional well-being. My work with nervous system supporting catnip and tulsi are supporting not only nervous system function, but also emotional wellness. Persistence. 

Pollinator on tulsi 
I moved slowly and steadily, with patience and compassion for self, through morning rituals: ablutions, tea making, animal tending, and the like. Centering myself with intention for each act. After a cup of lavender  catnip, jasmine green tea I reflected on my morning yoga. I chose, in the face of preference not to, to complete my yoga routine. As I stood facing the morning sun in the clear eastern sky, I thought about circulation and moving lymph as I moved through postures. Noticing the oak tree solid and simultaneously fluid in the wind, I thought’ about accepting emotion and self as I moved through the breath. 
Stretched and alert, I then felt well enough to walk the garden. I made a morning harvest of the bounty offered by tulsi and calendula. Conversed with the chamomile, whose leaves and flowers are still damp; therefore not suited to harvest for drying. I will revisit later, today maybe, or tomorrow, and harvest blooms. Chamomile does so much to support wellness. 

Chamomile blooms
I check in with myself, and acknowledge that today will be a day of little physical exertion, for my strength is low and my pain is high, yet I shall have a day of gratitude and creativity. I am proud that I am able to frame the day with positivity, possibility, acceptance, and wellness.

As You Wish Bookshop - Hand-Crafted Journals

Beautiful hand-crafted 'As You Wish Bookshop' Artisan Crafted Journals in stock and available for local or internet purchase through BeWell Bohemia Herbs and Things.

To see more of her hand-crafted journals, check out her Etsy store:

Monday, July 22, 2019

Wellness is a Journey

Herbs are an aspect of a larger wellness journey I undertake. Wellness is an interconnected state of being involving physical aspects of movement, nutrition, rest;  mental aspects like thinking, relaxing, learning; emotional including experiencing, accepting, letting go emotions such as  laughing, crying and the myriad more;  and spiritual involving ritual, the sacred, connecting to the deep-self, awareness, presence and connection beyond self to the greater. Wellness also involves relationship to community, a good friend once said “humans are social creatures.” This morning I made many choices that support my wellness, immediate and long-term. I awoke after hours of restful sleep, did my yoga routine in the grass looking to the rising sun, I walked the yarden, weeded beds while the soil was soft from rain and air cool, harvested fresh vegetables and herbs to make nourishing meals today, made morning tea blend, in which I have reduced amount of caffeinated green tea by blending in catnip and lavender, and finally sat down on the porch to read and research. Today’s resources focused on managing my auto-immune condition by addressing and managing inflammation through intentional and aware food choices. July has been a struggle for me -lots of pain, which undermines my strength to get moving and make nourishing meals, the lack of which exacerbates the symptoms (the familiar vivacious circle). So I am pleased to have made nourishing meals and wellness-supporting choices the previous two days. 
I revisited my library and pulled out some relevant books for a re-acquainting. Reviewing and comparing what various sources have to say helps me make informed choices. I think critically about what I read, compare it to what I have learned and to my personal experience, then I draw conclusions. From the conclusions, I form plans, take action, record results and revisit my conclusions to revise based on the data. 

I also remind myself, that wellness is an ongoing journey, intricate and multi-faceted. 

So don’t be discouraged. Even though wellness is an ongoing journey, each step matters. Even though wellness is multi-faceted, facets can be addressed individually. It is okay to make small choices. There is not judgement, only support. BeWell, in your way, you deserve it. 

Monday, July 15, 2019


Summer is a fitting time for growth as a metaphor and reality. BeWell Bohemia Herbs and Things is growing. I have scheduled many in person vending events in the coming months. I am excited to commit to presenting my wares and sharing my knowledge at these in person events. In the words of Little Red Riding Hood from Sondheim's "Into the Woods", "Well, excited and scared." I quit the anxious questions about "what if I don't feel well that day?" or "will I have enough stock" or "how can I be sure to prepare enough food and drink for the day?" or  "will the tent withstand rain?" or.. they go on. I smile, take a deep breath and remind myself to trust. That I am able to problem solve and endure challenge.

Then maybe I make some tea to support calm mind.

The growth extends in different areas, as well. I am leading workshops, applying for a grant to offer workshop series in local communities free of charge, so folks can be exposed to and learn about herbalism with comfort and hands-on activities. Check out the grant application video: (and like and share, too #grants4plants a program offered by Mountain Rose Herbs

The workshops, led to completion of a booklet, which I published in both ebook, and print book versions. If you attend the workshop on July 16, 2019 at the Otterbein (IN) Public Library, you receive an ebook edition free. If you aren't able to join us for the workshop, there is an ebook sale in celebration of the 50th anniversary of the lunar landing, so buy the ebook by July 18 and you get it for $1.69.


print book:

The online store has grown too, so if. you are not local to Indiana, you can still check out BeWell Bohemia Herbs and Things store, and order fun and practical items to support your wellness and expand your connection to plants. More seed varieties are ready weekly, so check back.

Thanks for being connected to this community and celebrating the many ways of wellness.

Tuesday, July 9, 2019

Seeds, BeWell Bundles, and Workshop Wonders

The bright July sun warms to the very bones. I am reveling in the bliss of summer. The bees buzz lazily from calendula bloom to tulsi blossom.  Subtle yellow flowers of lemon balm bedeck stem after stem.

I have collected seed from the spring blooming columbine flower, and have them available for purchase on my online store. I will also have them at upcoming vending events in the greater Lafayette, Indiana area - watch for details in the coming days.
Hummingbirds love these orange and yellow flowered columbine.

In addition to the promise of future flowers (seeds),  BeWell Bundles, and Workshop Wonders are available.

BeWell Bundles are opportunities for you to regularly receive themed packages, virtual or physical, depending on your selection. Check out the options.

Workshop Wonders are individually crafted by me, Brooke, herbalist and educator. What have workshop participants been saying?

"I learned not only what the plant is, and  that it is edible, and I loved the taste test." Marcie

I liked best that we saw how to make recipes step-by-step, then we got to taste it."

I enjoyed learning about the plants and how easy it is to use them in teas. I was walking through my yard and I thought, 'Hey, there is that ine with the purple rib - I remember that plant.' " Wilma

Visit the online store for more information or to place an order.
Contact me with questions or to discuss details"

 Making a supply of the "Maple Medicinal Mushroom Concoction" I learned how to prepare during my study in the " Herbal Immers...