My reading nook is adjacent to my continuous-brew kombucha crock. I started the brew 14 days ago, and now I taste test it every day. Since this is my first kombucha brew, I am learning about the process each step of the way. I am thrilled to report the brew is maturing nicely, the kombucha developing tang and depth of flavor. I like my kombucha tart and strong, so I am awaiting a but more development before bottling and adding fresh sweet tea to the brew. Also, since it is the first batch, allowing the scoby to grow without disturbance ensures a better long-term kombucha system. I am humbled by the success so far, and grateful to have the time, space, and supplies to establish a system. I am also amazed by the interplay between organisms of the symbiotic culture of bacteria and yeast (scoby) that makes a substance that sustains me. I read a novel and drank my morning pot of jasmine green tea next to this ceramic crock housing such a marvelous symbiotic system.
Feeling stiff and sluggish, I turned to my yoga mat for flexibility and the deepening of breath. I ritualistically set up my space for practice, which means I ran the dust-mop over the floor to remove dust and debris, noticing the lovely hue of the oak hardwood floor. I accepted the beauty and the honor of living in such a space, and breathed in gratitude. Next I rolled out my green leaf-print mat and de layered so my cowl-necked sweater would not impede breathing or movement. I opened the computer browser and found a
Yoga with Adrienne video to guide my practice.

As I settled into the initial pose, I paid attention to my body, how I felt, where tightness and soreness emerged, and how I moved. I realized the initial video I chose did not resonate with my ability for the day. Rather than give up or feel disappointed in myself, I searched the Yoga with Adrienne youtube channel in search
of a shorter routine, or a routine with a focus and intention that I would be able to follow. *well done Brooke, way to acknowledge your needs and make a choice to support your wellness* (I make this statement transparent to you, reader, to acknowledge that sometimes I struggle with making choices to support or promote my wellness, and that learning to reframe is a valuable skill, as is recognizing and acknowledging each choice that supports wellness, lest discouragement out balance intention).
The yoga practice was a challenge today; my muscles stiff, my joints sore, and my entire body experiencing inflammation. The movement will help, the blood circulation and lymph flow will improve not only my state of mind, but also my physical well-being. Feeling awakened by the 5 minute video, and knowing I had more stamina for practice, I found
another Yoga with Adrienne video and extended the session. *well done, Brooke, way to dig deep and extend*

I linked to a
Downshiftology video sharing chia-pudding recipes, viewing the short video as I re-layered into sweater and socks and put away my yoga mat. The recipe was so simple, and I had ingredients on hand, so I opted to make a batch of chia pudding, saving one serving for morning snack and freezing the remaining portions for easy snacking in the coming weeks. Having delicious, healthy snacks prepared and on hand enables me to make food choices that support my body and lessen the frequency and intensity of my Hashimoto autoimmune hypothyroid condition. *well done, Brooke, way to be inspired and act on inspiration to prepare quality food*
As the photo shows, I gathered all my ingredients an the followed along with the video to make the freezer ready chia pudding. I used freezer-proof glass ball jars. The blue painter's tape is for clearly labeling the jars before placing them in the freezer, this way I will know not only what is inside the jar, but also when it 'expires'. I added some store bought frozen fruit (blueberries, strawberries), and some frozen fruit I prepped and stored myself (pears, bananas.) I will cut up a fresh apple to add to serving I will eat this morning. Yum.
Now I sit down to write (this blog post, and develop existing writing projects) and to work on tasks related to the
upcoming book release of "Travels of the Heart: A Collection of Short Stories and Poems Celebrating Love in its Varied Forms". *well done, Brooke, way to create space and time for meaningful work that forwards your professional goals*. I will be sure to intersperse time at the computer with movement and delicious herbal tea or water to stay hydrated.
What do you do to start your day well and strong? How to you infuse gratitude into your actions? When do you celebrate yourself?
BeWell, dear friend, you deserve to.