Procuring 1st BeWell Bohemia booth registration |
Mid-march, and time to procure the premier booth registration in preparation for BeWell Bohemia Herbs' and Things inaugeral event, the 2019 Master Gardener's Association of Tippecanoe County (MGATC) Garden Expo, held each April. The deadline early registration for a vendor booth loos, so I made my way to the Extension Office to complete the paperwork, submit payment. While at the Extension Office, I picked-up the 'avoid these invasive plant species' list the Extension Office provides. I don't want to grow or sell any plants that can negatively impact local habitats. Weeds are one thing, aggressive invaders are quite another.

The preceding couple of days, had been sunny and in the mid-sixiets, so I thought surely some spring ephemerals were emerging, I need to get hiking in the woods to remain connectted with the natural cycles, and say hello to woodland plant friends. On the way home from the Extension office I stopped at Purdue Horticulture Park for a hike. The weather hand turned back for a few final days of winter before the equinox. Overcast skies, stiff winds, and a temperature of below 30 degreesFarenheit made the day feel brisk. I had only moderate layers, so I kept the hike brief. The woods showed minimal sign of spring growth. I did not even find skunk cabbage in the lowlying wet areas. Woods, you may not show it, but I trust you are stirring with the turning of the seasons, and soon shall burst forth with green.
The brittle and pale birch leaves cling atop winter branches, providing a soft whispering rustle soundtrack to my walk. I stop and listen, loving every whisper.
Next I made a close inspection of the soft mosses on the tree trunk. So many shades of green, bright hued and dark. A magical world in miniature. Do tiny faeries luxuriate in its softness of a woodland eve?
I meandered my way along the path out of the woods. Time to head home to a warm cup of herbal tea, and a cozy book,
"Herbal Constituents: Foundations in Phytochemistry" by Lisa Ganora, perhaps.
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