Saturday, April 18, 2020

autoimmune flare-up feels like a tangle in the inner woods of self

I am studying a class about the immune function and herbalism via the Commonwealth School of Holistic Herbalism as part of my ongoing work as an herbalist. I am also in the middle of both an ailment (poison ivy catalyzed rash and accompanying topical infection) and an autoimmune flare-up. Oh, and we are facing the global stress-inducing situation of social isolation and pandemic spread of COVID-19. Add all the stressors to system up and you realize, wow, at any time we, in this case, I am managing many factors. 

I am reminded that I know what I need to do to help support wellness, and yet I do not always make that choice. Ay-yi-yi! For example, I know gluten is a trigger to my autoimmune symptoms, especially itchy skin. Yet, in my compromised state, I find it challenging to stand and cook wholesome meals, in the social climate I am only grocery shopping every couple / few weeks. Given the infrequent shopping trips I run-out of the  good-for-me (don't trigger flare-up food) long before the next scheduled shopping trip. The result? I snack on wheat crackers and corn chips, which are in the house because they are preferred snacks for my husband. 
Did I mention I have a severe case of poison ivy reactionary rash? Itchy skin exacerbation is not desirable right now.
And then I feel even more poorly, then I choose unhelpful foods more easily, and then I feel even more poorly... and the spiral cycles. 
I remind myself here, now, with this post -
1. remove trigger foods from diet (sugar, corn, wheat, dairy, soy, legumes, eggs, nuts)
2. nourish with nutrient dense foods (greens, organic meat, veggies, fruit, fish)
3. support gut flora balance with fermented foods and pro-biotics
4. get adequate quality sleep
5. drink sufficient water amounts
6. move around throughout the day 
7. avoid excessive exercise that triggers crash of system
8. mange stress with meditation, story, and creative expression
9. drink plenty of herbal tea to support immune balance, nervous system function, digestive function, and ease of ailment aggravations
10. get sunshine
11. connect with nature every day!!
12. connect with people regularly 

 Making a supply of the "Maple Medicinal Mushroom Concoction" I learned how to prepare during my study in the " Herbal Immers...